Silencing Insecurity by Donna Gibbs

Believing God's Truth about You
Appearances and comparison, success and failure, approval and rejection, life experiences and trauma, roles and responsibilities, background and origin, these things can all cause us to feel insecure at times. But are you lingering in those feelings of insecurities? Are you allowing those audiences to define who you are, to drag you down and make you feel worthless? If you are, then I think you need two things: the Bible and this book. I felt like Donna did a really good job of bringing out the insecurities we all face, how they affect us emotionally, mentally, relationally and developmentally.
And then she ties it all up in the end with some really good thoughts. My favorite part of the whole book, the part that resonated with me, the part that I know I need was her chapter called an Audience of One. God is the only Person we should be worried about pleasing. He is the one who determines our self-worth. We don't need to jump on the other altars and run through the hoops seeking our identity. God is the one who gives it and He loves us and is willing to help us.
"Life lived for an Audience of One is much the same. It is seeing life as an opportunity for worship. You'll never receive enough glory from the world's stage for you to feel innately significant. Instead, seek to impress God, and let the resulting light shine on the world so that others will see your goodness and lift God up. Let God take the stage. Incredible freedom is found there."
"He {Jesus} defined Himself. He longs to define you. Let His be the solitary voice that declares your worth."
At the end of the book, there is an appendix with many Bible verses that can help you when you experience rejection, when you feel alone, or when you feel overwhelmed, etc. Many of these verses, if not all of them, would make excellent wall art to hang around your house for constant reminders. It's on my list of things I would love to practice my handwriting skills on. You can't go wrong with Bible verses.
I felt that Donna had a lot of good things to say. I was especially blessed by the Audience of One as I already mentioned.
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review.
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