
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Lady with the Dark Hair by Erin Bartels

  Esther Markstrom has banked her whole life on her familial ties to the great artist Francisco Vella. What will she do if that is lost? How will she respond to a change in identity? Can she believe that she is still somebody with value even if what she has believed her whole life isn't actually the truth? Viviana Torrens has been orphaned and left without family. She has run for her life, changed her identity multiple times and simply wants a place to belong where she can be who she really is. She just wants to paint and to be recognized as having something of value even as a female artist in a time in history where women artists were not recognized or appreciated. Both ladies are caught in an identity crisis. What will they do? I'll leave you to read the book, though that question isn't completely answered in the book for either lady. But the journey that they both go through is in the book and you, as the reader, can search for yourself what you would do in their situati