
Showing posts from April, 2023

April Reads

 I'm trying something new - instead of a blog post for each book, I will simply recap the best books of the month here and add to it as the month goes along. And for whatever reason, I cannot get pictures to download for most of the books.  Messy Truth by Caleb Kaltenbach Buy the book!  That's about the best review I can give it. This book challenged me so much on how I do life. Truth gets messy when it starts involving people because it can be hard to distinguish between truth and our emotional attachments. So we run in fear. That prevents us from having the hard conversations and puts the focus on us. What should we be asking is who will engage if I don't? And what really is at stake? People are at stake and that is sobering.  Two questions Caleb asked that stuck with me. It's easy to drift with those who agree with us and ostracize the rest. Before we do that, we need to ask ourselves these two questions: Who created them? Who died for this person?" It really ma

Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge

  I finally got around to reading this book and I don't know why it took me so long. The title feels so lofty and yet John did a good job of small bites. He didn't overwhelm me with knowledge to the point I didn't know where to start, but he started in slow and added as he went along.  I was left with the festering thought that I need less of my phone and more of real life, something that I have known, and this book helped confirm that. I need to get outside, to absorb the beauty around me. I have a hard time just sitting and watching and soaking. I want to scroll my phone or read a book, not just sit and ponder. John recommended the One-Minute Pause throughout the day: just a chance to stop, release to God what is going on in your life, receive the beauty around you, unplug from technology, etc. I need the reminders to just stop and seek God. A quote from him on our phones and social media: "What has become the normal assumption of input is numbing the soul with artif