Catching Christmas by Terri Blackstock

I have not read a lot of Terri Blackstock's book, but I am aiming to change that. I have read her "If I Run" series (definitely a good place to start if you haven't read any of Terri's books), her Seasons series with Beverly LaHaye and now this one. And I will be on the lookout for any of Terri's books, both new and old to add to this collection.
When people say that a book will have you laughing on one page and crying on the next, I am generally disappointed. I don't laugh very much when reading. I can cry, but I would even say that doesn't happen that often. But this book had be definitely grinning and all out crying. To be honest, I am not sure why I cried. Without giving away too many spoilers, I think it had to do with recognizing the deep hole death leaves, no matter when it happens and when it happens relatively suddenly, it just feels harder. I'm not sure, I just know I was reading the book with tears streaming down my face and that is highly unusual for me.
The funny parts happened at the beginning of the book. Miss Callie has lost her "filter" if you will and will say whatever comes to her mind and she says it loudly and she doesn't care if the recipient of the comment hears her. So if she asks loudly if her thighs are as big as the generous ones on the nurse, it annoys the nurse until she realizes that the lady asking is "older than Methuselah". Things like that just make me grin, along with a few other things, like the cab driver "Mindlessly, I open it to an article on potty training.....I wipe my hands on my jeans as if the magazine has soiled me." When the little details like that can bring a smile to my face, then the author has done a good job, in my opinion.
I just loved this story. It's short, you can read it quickly, but filled with figuring out what is important in life, in treasuring the moments you have with your loved ones, and redemption.
A few quotes: "...lingering under the authority of quiet."
"I can just imagine heaven being a mountain top experience every day...every hour, just as much as you can stand, till your heart just can't hold anymore."
"I feel like I'm getting to know Callie's Jesus a little better, even though I'm doing all the talking. But he speaks volumes in the way he listens."
So I know I didn't really tell you what the book was about, but you can read the back cover of it for that. Basically, it's a lovely little Christmas story, hopeful and sad, redemptive and satisfying and I highly recommend it.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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