Burden of Proof by Diann Mills

So after reading what felt like quite a bit of deeper, inspirational reading, I have a few fiction light reads to review this week and it's looking like fun. Along with that will be a book by Larry Crabb, which I don't expect to be light reading at all. But anyway, it's fun to just read for fun without trying to mine the truths out of it.
Which is exactly what this book was. I have learned to like Diann Mills and her FBI investigator stories. This one was a bit of a different twist than her normal. A female FBI agent is kidnapped by the innocent party, partly because she was handed his daughter by the child's kidnapper and partly because he realized she was an FBI agent and would be able to help him. So the story was worked from a little different direction than normal.
Of course, the "kidnapper" was the good guy and he was a widower and so everything all worked out in the end of course, in that regard!!
But, the story didn't quite end up the way I expected as in who all was guilty and who wasn't. There was a surprising twist at the end that made me really sad, but I also think exposed a sad part of reality. Mental illness is real and if people are not provided with appropriate counseling and helped to say on their medication, it can have deadly results.
One other thing I did like about this book was the emphasis on faith in God. Jason, the main male character and FBI kidnapper, along with his parents have a solid faith in God and trust Him to be there for them. April, the heroine and FBI agent, watches this play out and sees God at work in her own life and recognizes that she needs more than a cursory knowledge of Him. While I know these are just fiction stories, I think we all need the reminders to keep close to God. And we also need the reminder that people are watching us and they see how our words and walk align.
I received this book through Net Galley from Tyndale and was not required to write a positive review.
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