Reason to Breathe by Deborah Raney

Chick flick supreme, but a good read.
I say chick flick because it had the happily ever after, girl gets guy or guy gets girl, everything always works out and everybody is lighthearted and happy. And yet, the book isn't just full of happy moments. There's some really tough stuff to deal with in this book as well.
I don't want to give away too much about the book, but Phylicia (Phee) is the oldest of three sisters. Jo and Britt are the other sisters and they have just lost their mom to cancer. They were a close, loving family and they are devastated. On top of that, their Dad goes AWOL and moves to Florida and pulls a few fast moves that leaves the girls wondering who their dad even is anymore.
So three girls, all in their 20's, take on a huge project. The spokesman behind the project is "the man" for Phylicia, of course. But I don't want to focus in on that. Phylicia had a lot to fight against in this book emotionally. I have discovered that grief can leave a person very emotionally spent. Add to that grief some traumatizing new discoveries and it can wreak havoc in a person's mind. Phylicia was left to fight through that anger and fear and all the other stages of grief and it consumed her for awhile.
But on the flip side of it, there was some fun moments in the book, listening to the sisters interact with each other, figuring out how to work together and live together again. It was some interesting dialogue to read through.
This was a fun book I got through Net Galley and I will be keeping my eye out for the remaining books coming out about the other two sisters.
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