Hope Your Heart Needs by Holley Gerth

52 Encouraging Reminders of How God Cares for You
I am not sure why I requested this book except I have read one of Holley's books and just really, really liked it and so therefore, I thought getting one more devotional book would be worth it to read Holley's words. And you know what? I think it was. This book was filled with hope and encouragement, maybe bordering on a too-good Gospel, but I also felt it was fairly accurate as well. When you are looking at a book on encouragement, you aren't necessarily expecting discouraging comments and it is really hard to get both sides of the coin in one book.
Names and descriptions of God make up the titles on each daily reading: Author, Counselor, Friend, Shepherd, Comforter, Instructor and on and on. There is a Bible verse to go along with each day as well, as well as a little story to get you started.
"He is not a God of soul starvation but of salvation. He is not cutting portions; he is passing out extra helpings. He is not giving us meager handouts; he is giving us his very self. And there is more than enough for us all." I really like this quote, but one caution I would give is that sometimes God's portions may not look like what we think we would like. God does see the whole picture and Hey may dole out some suffering portions to help us to fully trust and tremble before Him.
I really enjoyed this book and the promise of hope that breathes throughout the pages. It is also a lovely little book to look at: hardback with one of those almost puffy covers that just takes the beauty of a book to the next level, in my opinion. Christmas is coming; it would make a great gift.
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review.
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