
Showing posts from June, 2010

My Week

So here's a small recap of my week. I'm not sure why I'm doing this, except I think to emphasize what I did with a lot of my spare time this week. Okay, maybe not a lot of my spare time, but some of it. Sunday: stayed home from church due to cough and bad nose. This caused everyone to assume I was PG. It's ridiculous the way people jump to conclusions. Okay, maybe not everyone assumed this, sounds so much better to say everyone. Oh and my dad came to spend a couple days helping D on the barn. Monday: I worked, then in the evening I browsed the great world wide web for canning recipes. More like I browsed for some of their recipes. Tuesday: I worked all day from 8:30 to about 9:45 helping a mother labor her child into the world. Let's say, she had a lusty voice and made the comment that she often has a sore throat after delivery. I understand why. Wednesday: I weeded the garden for a little in the morning until I decided that ankl

Thoughts on thoughts

Now that is a dramatic Title. I bet no one knows what is going to come under this post. Well, that is true, because even I am not sure what all I am going to post. It's going to be more random here and I will try not to take half the post to tell you how random this will be. So the secretary and I at work are coming up with a new business--selling T-shirts. Somehow, I think we will have to branch out beyond our normal customer base and get out of our comfort zone. But these will be medical specific shirts. The main color will be blue and pink, I guess and then in white or black words across the front, it will say, "GOT LYME?" and below that will be a picture of a little tiny tick or a bulls eye rash. Seriously, that is the rage right now. Even if your tests come back negative, I am sure you still have Lyme. And it is always Lyme or Lyme disease, never Lymes. Even, when the most liberal lab out there says your test is negative; if the ever-present chiropractor s


Friends are the flower of life. I know that is a trite comment, but they really do brighten up my life. I have many friends; but a few really close ones, and they are just special to me in so many ways. Why the dialogue on friends? Well, because the other night Linwood and Jo and Raquel stopped in for a few hours on their way back from Stevens Point. It was such a great evening. Dave and I were so glad they went out of their way and stopped in to see us. We both enjoyed the evening so much. Thanks guys for doing this. It was a spur of the moment spontaneous visit that was just such a blessing. I felt revived and ready to finish out my week. The night before, my sister had been there overnight and I got to spend some good time with her as well. So all in all, it was a great week. Oh, and let me not forget to mention 2 good phone calls with 2 other friends. I really did have a "friendly" week. I love those kind and can't wait to hang out with 3 of my best friends
Puppies The puppies are getting bigger. Now, I realize there are strong feelings on either side of the debate for whether pug dogs should be allowed an existence or not. There does not appear to be too much ambivalence on the subject. If you are of the class of people that fail to appreciate pug puppies, then I would suggest you just back out of this site and go look at something more to your liking. If you would like to find it in your heart to appreciate the cute little things then scroll down and enjoy the pictures. They are in no way professional, but they show a small amount of what the puppies are like now. You can overlook the fact that one day these puppies will be full grown and if they are like their mother will destroy the house if the owners decide to leave for the day and leave her penned in. I have no idea; why, when they have the whole kitchen to themselves, a mother pug must break through the barriers built for her protection and go into the living room and bathroom to
It's Tuesday. Tuesdays are wonderful days because I get the whole morning at home to catch up on stuff there. And I did get some stuff accomplished this morning: - Bran muffins made and they turned out very yummy - Granola made and nearly done - Last load of laundry is in the washer - After the granol is done, I am off to fold laundry and then to sew. I enjoy sewing, but not just any kind of sewing. I'm not a big fan of sewing clothes, though I don't mind it if everything goes well. I like to sew quilts; they may be more challenging in some respects, but much easier in others. I've been pondering this thing of stillness and quietness. I read a part of a verse in Psalms that has stuck out to me. "I have stilled and quieted my soul..." Do I do that? Not on a real regular basis, I don't. I get too busy doing other things that are not near so important as resting and being still before God. How do I change my habits? It's not going to be easy, but I want t
I'm back again. I am not feeling overwhelmingly newsy, but am feeling the urge to write something, just anything. I think it has to do with the new thing. When you have something new, you want to use it or see it. For instance, I bought a keyboard back on black Friday. I played that keyboard all the time for the first few days; now I play it on Sunday mornings for a few minutes. I really do need to play it more. I enjoy playing it; but the newness has worn off. So, bear with me, but I'm sure in a few days, the newness will have worn off of this blog too and then I will rarely post. I must figure out how to use it though. I thought I had a profile picture posted, but can't find it anywhere. I wrote some little ditty about myself and it didn't show up anywhere. Oh dear, what shall I do? I guess I must take the time and figure out what is going on, or just be content with not having a picture or explanation on here. But things like that bug me really bad. I l


Hi, You may ask the question; "Why are you doing this?" The answer to that is, "I'm not sure." So here I am; I have just created a blog for myself. At this point, nobody knows I did this; nobody, but myself and God, and I'm not totally sure why I did this yet. I like to write; I like to journal; I like to put my thoughts down on paper. Why did I pick the world wide web? Maybe someday I want to have a famous blog where many people are hounding it daily to read what new brilliant idea I have come up with in the last 24 hours. But, to do that, I will need to tell someone about my blog. I told my husband I might do one; does that count? So, until that time in the future when I branch out and tell the world that I have a blog, I will come on here and chronicle some of the journey life and God are taking me on and no one will know. I kind of like that idea; though I am sure at some point I will want to tell people. It's kind of like Facebook and Xang