Everyday Holy by Melanie Shankle

Finding a Big God in the Little Moments
I love Melanie Shankle. If you haven't read Sparkly Green Earrings or Antelope in my Living Room, you should. Just funny good reads.
I think, for this book, I have simply read too many devotionals back to back and at too fast a pace. This book had some definitely good things in it, but it didn't do as much for me as it could have. I do think if I would read them one a day like they are meant to be read, I would get a lot more out of the readings.
This book is more on the light side of light. While it has good thoughts, they would tend to be more surface level, which is pretty much what I would expect from reading Melanie's writings. I don't say that meanly, I think we need the light and the deep in this world and so we need both kinds of writers.
That being said, I did appreciate how she could take everyday experiences and relate them to a spiritual lesson. I enjoy reading authors who can do that. She talks a lot about fears and trusting God with those fears, something I would do well to listen up on.
One thing that bothered me in her writing was a reference to millions of years. From something else she said, she does believe in creation, so I'm not sure how the millions of years fit in on another devotional, but ....
The book is very pretty, a nice hardcover with a ribbon marker. My one gripe with the book and this has nothing to do with Melanie is there were quite a few mistakes in the book, mostly missing words. I expect to find one or so in a book, everybody is human after all, but this book had more than most. Sometimes I would reread the sentence to see how it should be read so it would make sense and it just wouldn't make sense and I realized a word was missing. I'll give you an example. This is a really good thought and I would do well to internalize it, but... "We need to walk our road and not spend time looking left and right to see what everyone else is doing, especially because we never know the road someone else." It just stops there and so it's just a minor grievance, but it's there.
Anyway, I did enjoy this book for the most part. Definitely things that I could learn from it, but not super earth shattering. And now I think I need to move on from devotionals for awhile.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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