Adamant by Lisa Bevere

Finding Truth in a Universe of Opinions
Did you know the word adamant actually started out as a noun? We tend to think use it now as more of an adjective or adverb, as a stubbornness or firmness, likely depending on whether you are the one using the word about someone else or about yourself!! :) :) I am adamantly opposed to being called stubborn, for example. Anyway, the original word adamant started as a noun and was the name of a mystery stone, an elusive mineral hypothesized by the Greeks. It was to be a stone that would be impenetrable and unbreakable. The diamond has been the closest thing to this adamant and occasionally the two words are used interchangeably.
So take this new meaning and think of Jesus. He is our Adamant, the rock that will not break, our security, if you will. "Real truth is a rock. Adamant. Indivisible. Immovable. Invincible. Jesus is truth. And I propose that Jesus is the Adamant." And from that, Lisa builds a book around standing strong for what is truth and right. Her chapter titles include Adamantly Intimate, Adamantly Constant, Adamant in Love, Adamant in Hate, Adamant for Truth, Adamant Transformation and so on.
I found her writing encouraging and challenging. In her chapter called Adamant in Hate, she calls on us to hate the things that God hates, not to endorse everything that comes along. This is not to say that we hate people, but we hate things. She also has a chapter entitled Adamant that We Love, so that covers loving people. And that love for people isn't just a mindless statement, it's reaching out and making a difference because we genuinely cared and were concerned. I just really appreciated her firm stand on truth and on the Bible. Yes, I won't say I agreed 100% with everything, but overall I would feel that Lisa is very Bible-based and solid in her writing, at least in this book.
"The concept of pondering and pausing to worship has become a lost art."
"We ran from the restraints of a loving Father only to discover ourselves shackled to ruin."
I enjoyed this book and will look for more books from her.
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review.
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