Two Months

October 23, two months since Logan joined our family. Two months of learning how to handle life with two littles, of laughing and crying, of rejoicing and being a bit at my wits end. I like to think I've learned a little in these two months. I've got lots of reading done both for myself and to Amber. 

Daddy meeting Logan. Sorry, you can't really see Logan's face.

 Big sister meeting Logan. She was way more excited about giving him his puppy stuffed animal than she was about actually meeting the baby, I think.
 Holding Logan. One thing I've learned is I'm not a professional photographer and as much I aspire to being one, practicing and reading up on how to take professional looking pictures isn't high on my to-do list. So I'm trying to be okay with my less than professional looking pictures.
 Grandma Glick and Logan at 5.5 weeks old. We flew to New Jersey for Dave's oldest niece's wedding. I was a little stressed, but it went so very well.
 At Grandpa's house.
 Grandpa Glick
 The very happy couple. Laverne and Grace Fisher. I amazed even myself by taking pictures at the actual wedding.
 Miss Cool Lady. She loves sunglasses
 My people.
 Fun Melissa and Doug reuseable stickers
 Blowing bubbles together.

 And this was today, two months old. His grins come a little quicker these days. He was looking at Amber, it appeared and grinning at her.

 The contrast of eyes: blue and brown.

My chatterbox. I am amazed at how much a two and a half year old can retain. She loves doing "schoolwork". She talks constantly pretty much and is very much a bright spot in our day. But I have learned, I do not have the infinite patience or wisdom on my own. I need to stay connected to the Source and recharged. 

I've also learned that the whole nap in the afternoon is a figment of someone's imagination. For both children to actually sleep at the same time for any length of time happens about once or maybe twice a week. When it does, I soak it up and try to get some stuff done. I'm still trying to figure out a schedule that works for us, works for me getting my computer work done, my quiet time in and the basic housework done. 

I'm learning that if all I get done in the day is taking care of my children and getting some food on the table for supper, it is enough. While it drives me crazy because I feel inefficient, especially when the first two weeks of Logan's life I had sewed the major parts of two quilts and felt so efficient and everything, I realize that right now my children are my most important treasures. Investing in them is investing in eternity, transcribing and selling books and sewing quilts is only temporal. 

So here is an update and also in my attempts to establish a schedule is an attempt to want to pencil in regular blog posts once again. We will see. 

But stay tuned, because on November 15, I will have a wonderful book review and a giveaway that you don't want to miss. 


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