Fire Road by Kim Phuc Phan Thi

The Napalm Girl's Journey through the Horrors of War to Faith, Forgiveness, and Peace.
June 8, 1972, at eight years old, Kim Phuc's life changed forever. That was the day the Napalm bomb was dropped on her village of Trang Bang. I do not fully understand these types of bombs, but they work by burning. It's a sticky substance and sticks to whatever it touches. It also burns at 5,000 degrees F. The fire chased her, burned her clothes right off of her and deeply burned 30% of her body. She was taken to a hospital and placed in the morgue where her mother found her three days later. Interestingly enough, and I hope I'm not giving away too much of the storyline, Kim always wondered and struggled with why she had been left for dead when she was still breathing, but because of the way napalm worked, other victims who were taken to the hospital and well-meaning nurses would remove the bandages, they would immediately catch on fire again and die. Napalm needs oxygen. By being left for dead, her bandages were not touched giving her a better chance of survival
Survive she did, but she is left with almost continuous pain and deep scarring. So while her physical survival has not been easy, her spiritual survival has been amazing. Kim cam to know Jesus around 19 years old and has been on fire for him ever since. She travels all over the world talking to groups about the love of Jesus and how peace is so much better than war.
All this happened because a journalist/photographer happened to be in Trang Bang the day the bombs fell and captured a picture of Kim running naked down Route 1. That picture captured the hearts of many people who prayed for her and wondered what became of her.
It's an amazing story of forgiveness. I recommend it to anyone, but you might have to have a bit of a strong stomach for the first part as the mental picture Kim paints is not pretty, but it's true.
I received this book from Tyndale Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review.
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