Choosing a Life that Matters by Dennis Rainey

7 Decisions You'll Never Regret
1. Seek God, not Sin
2. Fear God, not Men
3. Love God, not the World
4. Believe God, not the Deceiver
5. Obey God, not your Feelings
6. Worship God, not Comfort
7. Serve God, not Self
In a little gift sized book, Dennis Rainey gives the secret to fully serving and surrendering to God. When we choose God first and foremost, the rest falls into place. That is not to guarantee life will be easy, but if we place God first, it will be doable.
At the end of each of these chapters, Dennis gives Life Skills, ways to put the chapter into practice. For example, how to grow in faith from the chapter on believing God, be intentional about Bible intake, with suggestions on what to read and do. Search, discover, write and apply every day. Recall the big and little things God has done for you. Obey what you know. Read books and mine hearts. Evict unwelcome house guests. Some of these were in my own words.
I liked this aspect of practicality that comes with these principles. Sometimes it's easy to write or read about these things, but not so easy to apply them in real life. Even knowing what to do doesn't mean it will be easy. It will still take discipline, but a little book like this is easy to read and a good reminder to keep following Jesus and trusting God and not be sidelined by the lesser things like the worldly comforts, peer pressure, etc.
And then he ends with these this quote:
"To seek God is the greatest quest.
To fear God is the greatest respect.
To love God is the greatest affection.
To obey God is the greatest act.
To believe God is the greatest adventure.
To worship God is the greatest experience.
To serve God is the greatest privilege.
All this so that God may be glorified and exalted."
That is the ultimate purpose of why we are here on earth.
I received this book from Bethany House and was not required to write a positive review.
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