God Gave us Family by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Illustrated by David Hohn
This is the story of a wolf kid who is an only child and he is trying to figure out why some families are big and he is only one. His parents are explaining that families come in all sizes. There is the family with lots of children, the family where the cubs are raised by the grandparents and the family that is raised by the mother and only see the dad in the summer.
Then the wolf family goes to a family reunion and the cub realizes that all these other wolves make up his pack/his family and while sometimes they are annoying, they can also be fun to play with.
The storyline is cute. I hesitate at the hint of a divorced family and yet I realize that is the culture we live in and my children are going to be exposed to it at some point. And also, this could indicate a family where the dad works away and is only able to come home on weekends or monthly, etc. If there was no indication of a dad, I would take it to mean a spouse has died, but I don't think that is the intention here. All that being said, it's that sentence that makes me give the book a lesser rating, because I don't believe God's ideal plan included broken homes.
The pictures are nicely done, not real to life, but cute. My two year old is convinced these are foxes.
I received this book from Blogging for Books and was not required to write a positive review.
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