Color Index XL by Jim Krause

More than 1,100 new palettes with CMYK and RGB formulas for designers and artists
I must admit this book is well beyond my knowledge level. If I'm actually trying to design something, I tend to randomly grab colors and throw them together. Let's face it, my design work seriously lacks as well. But this book is really cool. There are over 200 pages of color combinations. Each page takes a group of five colors that match and Jim displays them in bright, light, dark and muted hues. In the middle of the page are the CMYK and RGB formulas for each color in each hue for that page.
Along the side edge on every page and on some pages the top and bottom edges as well are little rectangles of the colors. This is to help with comparing colors against another work or design. Plus it makes the book pretty to look at when it is closed.
I don't see myself using it a lot for graphic designing because I don't really enjoy that kind of thing. However, if I do need to design something, I think I will check this book out to see if I can figure out how to get my colors to go together. I also see myself using this in my scrapbooking projects to branch out a bit to different color schemes I wouldn't think of on my own. And I also envision using it to help coordinate colors for quilt tops. Obviously those things won't be perfect color combos because you can't change the color of a printed paper or fabric, but again it will be a go-to manual for color options.
On top of that, the book is visually pleasing just to look through with all the different color combinations. He rotates through four different designs when illustrating his color combinations. There's a chevron, diamonds, and etc.
This is a very nice book and would make a great gift, I think, for a graphic designer.
I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for my honest opinion.
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