I'd Like You More if You Were More Like Me by John Ortberg

Getting Real about Getting Close
Relationships--so vital and so hard. Why do we fear being real? Why do we try to hide behind a fake facade, attempting to be whoever we think the other person wants us to be?
John explores getting real and really experiencing intimacy. This applies not just to a spouse, but to all close relationships. We were born to bond. That's why attachment and bonding is so important as babies. We need that so we can thrive as adults
"God's primary goal for us is character, not innocence. Innocence means I haven't done anything wrong. Character means I am habitually devoted to doing what is right. Babies are innocent. Saints have character." It is this character that allows us to experience intimacy with those around us.
"People who are skilled at intimacy look for opportunities to create joy for other people." It's an outward focused thing, how can I best help the other person, rather than a me focus.
John talks about how technology can both help and hinder intimacy. While it can promise to help us stay connected more easily than ever with more people, it oftens makes us more disconnected than ever. We start to be our cell phone's servant and therefore can cease to be present with the people who are physically present. That's a good reminder for me to engage with my children and spouse and my friends rather than with my phone.
Intimacy involves being vulnerable and that's just downright scary, but it that openness that lets you really see into the other person's soul.
John is a very good writer, throwing in humor and puns to make the reading fun. This is at least the second book of his that I have read and I am certainly open to increasing that number. I definitely recommend this book if you want to go deeper in your relationships. There is also a small group connection kit available to go with this book if you want to take it one step further.
I received this book from Tyndale Publishers and was not required to write a positive review.
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