Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors

Finding God's Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful
For those of you who have read Kisses from Katie, I definitely recommend this book. It continues the story of Katie's work in Uganda, the heartache and loss she experienced and yet how she always found God faithful and good. It wasn't always easy, but there was always hope. Katie talks about grieving the loss of a friend and putting sticky notes all around her kitchen of verses that told of God's goodness. She talks of battling it out on the bathroom floor night after night because it was the only private place in the whole house. With 13 adopted girls and often visitors in need of help, her life was busy and crazy, but she trusted and hoped in God.
This book offers hope for those who are going through tough times. I was challenged to hope more in God, to talk to Him as a friend, to keep Him in the daily running of my life and not to try to do life on my own. Katie has given of herself in amazing ways and she loves what she does. She has a heart of love and compassion for whoever walks through her door.
And her family expanded during this book to include a husband and a son. Someone willing to take on 13 children also yells to me of sacrifice and service and a full commitment to God.
I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking to be challenged.
I received this book from Blogging from Books and was not required to write a positive review.
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