The Intimate Connection by Dr. Kevin Leman

Secrets to a Lifelong Romance
There are 13 secrets that Dr. Leman exposes in this book, 13 tips that can lead you to that intimate connection you crave with your spouse. Secrets like: "For your spouse to truly hear you, you have to talk in a way that encourages them to listen" or "Feelings pull you together, judgments push you apart." or "Acts of love create an unbreakable bond. If you want to change your spouse, try changing yourself first."
Basically, I will read anything Dr. Kevin Leman writes. I've read a couple of his books over the past couple of years and have one more on my shelf to read and I enjoy every one of them. He has a way of writing that drives the point home clearly. Add to that the stories and humor he throws in and the books will hold your attention and make you want to read more.
This book was no exception. I enjoyed reading it. I had started it early summer and got sidetracked by business and came back to read it all through the last couple weeks and thoroughly enjoyed it and was convicted to try harder to make my marriage even better.
One of the things he said in the book is this: "When somebody wins, you both lose." Marriage is not a competition, it's not trying to one-up the other person. Marriage is a team, working together to reach the goal. I like that idea. I like to be competitive, but that's very harmful in a marriage. So I want to work on being more of a team player and doing life together.
I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more by Dr. Leman. If you like fiction, check out his fiction series called "The Worthington Destiny" co-authored with Jeff Nesbit. I only read one of these books, the third one, but I would like to read all of them. They were good.
I received this book from Revell Publishing and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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