It's 2020!!
Anybody who knows me really well probably knows that I like goals and lists and books and ideas. I love clean slates and open pages that are waiting for me to fill them up. And a New Year is no exception. I work on my goals during the month of December and come up with a rather long list of things I want to accomplish in the next year. I generally don't actually get that many accomplished, but it never deters me from making another list the next year.
This past Sunday in church we were challenged to only try to change 1%. Don't go for huge drastic changes in your life, you are setting yourself up for failure, but make small changes in several areas and see how successful you can be.
And while my list may not look like small changes, I feel like, in some ways, that is what it is. I don't think I set resolutions, I set goals. And I try to make them measurable, but what tends to happen for me, is I set a whole year at a time, carefully write them out and then put them away and forget about them about March 15th. This year, I have written out monthly goals to go with my yearly goals. If I make my monthly goals, I will attain my yearly goals. I also have realized that summer is not a good time to accomplish much more than baking, keeping my children alive, and my house from having no more than an inch of dirt at any one place. Add to that this year, having a yard to maintain, flowers to plant and a garden we would like to create and I know keeping a list of goals isn't going to work and so I tried to give myself grace for this summer.
So here is to seeing how my goalkeeping goes this year. One of the goals I set was less phone time. This is my 1% change I want to make. This is also one goal that isn't measurable. I decided not to list 5 ways I was going to be on my phone less because that seemed to be setting myself up for failure. Time gets away from me way too fast when I'm looking at a screen. Instead, my goal is to be more intentional with my phone, that it sits more by its charger in the kitchen and less in my hand, that I can hear the ding of a message coming in and ignore it, that I don't allow it to interrupt what I am doing. I think I will be able to accomplish more of my other goals if I can keep this one.
So what are your goals for 2020? Please feel free to share them. I would love to hear about them. And I hope you can all have a wonderful new year in which you can dance around the yard, not caring that your shoes don't match or that people might see you. Perhaps, learning to care less about what people think of you is the best goal of all to have.
And while my list may not look like small changes, I feel like, in some ways, that is what it is. I don't think I set resolutions, I set goals. And I try to make them measurable, but what tends to happen for me, is I set a whole year at a time, carefully write them out and then put them away and forget about them about March 15th. This year, I have written out monthly goals to go with my yearly goals. If I make my monthly goals, I will attain my yearly goals. I also have realized that summer is not a good time to accomplish much more than baking, keeping my children alive, and my house from having no more than an inch of dirt at any one place. Add to that this year, having a yard to maintain, flowers to plant and a garden we would like to create and I know keeping a list of goals isn't going to work and so I tried to give myself grace for this summer.
So here is to seeing how my goalkeeping goes this year. One of the goals I set was less phone time. This is my 1% change I want to make. This is also one goal that isn't measurable. I decided not to list 5 ways I was going to be on my phone less because that seemed to be setting myself up for failure. Time gets away from me way too fast when I'm looking at a screen. Instead, my goal is to be more intentional with my phone, that it sits more by its charger in the kitchen and less in my hand, that I can hear the ding of a message coming in and ignore it, that I don't allow it to interrupt what I am doing. I think I will be able to accomplish more of my other goals if I can keep this one.
So what are your goals for 2020? Please feel free to share them. I would love to hear about them. And I hope you can all have a wonderful new year in which you can dance around the yard, not caring that your shoes don't match or that people might see you. Perhaps, learning to care less about what people think of you is the best goal of all to have.
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