The New You by Nelson Searcy and Jennifer Dykes Henson

A Guide to Better Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellness
The timing for this book was excellent. It's January, 2019 and everyone is thinking about goals and resolutions for the new year. This book offers a four month challenge to anyone truly wanting to revolutionize their lives.
Physically, this book emphasizes exercise, healthy eating, and lots of water, etc.
Spiritually, this book talks about a relationship with God and also with the local church. They said something in this book that really stuck out to me. I hear people talking about how being a member of a church isn't that important or necessary, etc. "Being a member of a local church family is part of God's process for developing you into the new you. It is part of his process for growing you. Sometimes the idea of becoming a church member can be a little intimidating. But really, the concept of membership is everywhere in our culture." And they go on to explain that you have gym memberships, drug store memberships, and so on. I had never thought about it in such a way before.
Emotionally, the thing that stuck out to me in this section was the What Went Will exercise. Pick three things from your day and write down what went well with them and why. This is good for me in my desire to look more positively at life.
Mentally, they talked a lot about stress and how what you think affects so much of your attitude. I pulled a couple quotes from this section.
"The difference between those who allow stress to eat them alive and those who stay cool under pressure isn't the actual level of stress they are under, but how well they have learned to deal with its presence."
"You can't always control the situation you find yourself in, but you can control your perception of and response to the situation."
At the end of each chapter, they had a section called Small Steps to the New You and it contained two to four things you could do right away to make a change in your life.
Overall, I thought this was a good book. I wouldn't say it was earth shattering in the new information presented, but a good reminder again to take care of this body that God gave to me.
I received this book from Baker Books and was not required to write a positive review.
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