Defiant Joy by Stasi Eldredge

Taking hold of Hope, Beauty, and Life in a Hurting World
"Ignoring reality does not breed joy. Pretending that what is true does not exist is not holy defiance. The seeds of joy can only be firmly planted in the pungent soil of the here and now while at the same time being tethered to eternity. Joy is fully rooted in truth. Joy embraces all the senses and is fully awake to the laughter, the wonder and the beauty present in the moment as well as the sorrow, the angst, and the fear. Joy says, 'Even, so, I have a reason to celebrate.'"
That quote was in the first few pages of the book and it reeled me in. It has so much food for thought, I don't even know that I have come close to fully grasping all that it means. This is not the first book by Stasi that I have read though it has been a long time since I read anything by her, but I was not disappointed. This book was good. I need the reminder that joy is not dependent on circumstances, joy comes in spite of the circumstances.
And our biggest reason for joy is because we are not made for here. We are made for more, we are made for eternity. "But remember, friends to get to the resurrection, we have to pass through the crucifixion." Another one of those quotes that makes me stop in my tracks and think again. Joy doesn't come in the absence of pain, it comes through the pain. As Stasi was writing this book, she was battling a crippling, debilitating pain that was going to require surgery to be freed from, plus months of recovery, I am sure. Stasi is also not a naturally positive upbeat person. She struggles with depression and coming from that perspective, this book just feels more real and even raw. She was honest in her struggles, she didn't act like she has it all together. She feels pain, she mourns, but she presses into hope, into joy, and treasures the beauty around her even if she can only enjoy it from her window now.
This joy is not going to be known to someone who does not have a personal relationship with God. This is a Jesus joy, a joy that understands that there is more than this life. "Joy unspeakable comes when we know our God intimately and live in union with Him." I want this joy and I want to press in and press close and know God more intimately so that I can experience this defiant joy when the world is chaotic and painful. Will it be easy? Oh no, but it is possible because Jesus walks with us.
I'm not sure how else to describe the book except to say, go read it, and look for the hope, the joy, and the beauty all around you every day.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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