
Someday I'm gonna be good at life.

Someday I am going to update this blog with recent pictures which mean that...

Someday I am going to upload my camera pics to my computer in a timely fashion.

Someday I am going to catch up on all my reading and read a whole bunch of books for fun. Truthfully I'm trying that this year and I'm enjoying it, but I still have the pressure of needing to get books read to write a review about them.

Someday I will laugh at myself and how easily disturbed I got over the smallest little details that didn't matter anyway.

Someday I will enjoy having my children not take naps. Or will I?

Someday I will be caught up on all my hobbies and I will be at a loss for what to do. Okay, I'm already laughing at that big fat lie.

Someday I will love being disturbed in the middle of a project or a chapter or nothing and will gladly go run an errand for someone.

Someday I will make supper without settling one fight.

Someday I will look back and grow nostalgic over the times my children were young.

Someday I will wonder why did I make it so hard? Why did I grow so frustrated? It was just cream cheese dip they dumped on the floor.

Someday I will climb up the stairs all by myself whether I want to or not.

Someday I might be asking to go with Amber instead of vice versa.

Someday I want my children to come to me with their big questions and decisions and thoughts.

Someday I hope that my children look at me as one of their best friends, their confidante.

Someday I'm gonna be that perfect mother who happily spreads out all the pains and glue and the glitter and says, let's have at it.

Someday may never come, but I have today and today is what someday is made of. So today I will try to be a bit more patient, a bit more loving. Today I will enjoy nap time because I am exhausted from the morning's activities. But today, I will settle that fight, break up that pinching session, and clean up one more mess because today is a gift that I have been given and today is a day I want to treasure.


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