the amazing make-ahead baby food book by Lisa Barrangou, PhD

Product Details
"make 3 months of homemade purees in 3 hours"

Ahh, the inspiration this book incites.  Some people think I'm a little nuts for being excited about starting Amber on baby food and while it makes me a little sad to think of her growing up so fast, it makes me excited to move her on to the next step.  I have about 3 more weeks to wait because we all know that 3 months and 29 days is too early to start them on food, but 4 months is the perfect time!!!

Anyway, this book has inspired me to attempt making my own baby food. I was planning to anyway, but this book breaks it down into recipes so I can know how to steam the veggies/fruit and also gives some combination recipes for mixing two kinds of food together.  The author also recommends really branching out in the food categories: kale, quinoa, beans, etc; things I wouldn't have thought to give a baby.  Two features I really like in this book are: a breakdown for how to cook the food in 3-1 hour increments and the second is a menu for feeding the baby with each food being given for three to five days in a row as the only new food to make sure there are no allergy issues.

She does provide some combination recipes in the back. I will likely try some of them, but I'm pretty determined that if it something I wouldn't try myself, that I don't make my baby try it in combination. I will make my baby eat peas, etc., but I don't know that I will force her to eat soybeans, dried seaweed and brown rice all mixed up together.  Also included in the back are some recipes for toddlers as well - Coconut Granola Parfait, Avocado Egg Dippers, etc.

I really like this book. It's a nice hard cover, attractive looking book and just makes me want to go make all the stuff right away!!

This book was given me by Blogging for Books for the purpose of reading and writing a review on it. All opinions expressed are my own.


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