A Special Kind of Prayer Request

Yes, it's me again asking for prayer again.  Dad is being anointed this evening at 6:30. I firmly believe God is ABLE to heal; I struggle with the faith to believe that He will heal. I want Him to very, very badly.  We are asking that, if you think of it, to pray for Dad this evening at that time and any other time you think of it as well!!

Dave and I were talking about Dad's prayers on the way home.  He often started out his meal prayer with "Our gracious heavenly Father, we come before you this...(often a little pause as Dad tried to remember which meal he was praying for) :) :)" I would give so much to hear Dad pray this prayer again.  As someone else pointed out, Dad's prayers had a lot of "We thank you for..." and right now, I'm thinking that would be concluded with "all the people who are praying for us."

In other news, Dad seems to be doing much better today physically.  He does have an infection, but they are hoping to get some of his extra IV lines out today and a PICC line put in.  This is an IV generally put in in the upper arm that can stay in a lot longer than the other IV's without as big of a concern for infection.  His blood pressure and oxygen seem to be much better today.  We are praising God.

Mom was able to have a really good night's sleep. She was out tilling her garden this morning which was great therapy for her.  She was also able to talk with some really good old time friends last evening which she said was better than any medicine.  I talked to her on the phone and she sounded so upbeat again.  Thank you for those who have been praying for her as well--while this is hard on us children, it doesn't begin to match up to what Mom is feeling as she watches her husband lie there.

Thanks once again for all of your prayers and we ask that you continue to pound heaven's door.  I/We want to be submissive to God's will, but I want to be good and sure that God knows what we want!!!! I know He does, but He also says we must ask if we hope to receive.


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