A few of My Favorite Things or Not

Favorite quotes: 

So I was going to post more than just book reviews now that the craziness of summer is over. And since all it seems to do anymore is be cloudy, rainy, and dreary, I should have lots of time. Well, here it is, almost the middle of October and I'm still waiting.

In truth, I actually did write up a blog post the end of September, but I haven't the courage to post it yet. So the only person who got to see the rough draft was my sister and for now that is how it will stay.

But, I did want to do a fun post about some of my favorite things, but... I have mulled this over occasionally the last couple weeks and I only get to about three or four things max and then I get stuck. So I have decided just to name those few things and call it done.

This summer I listened to a lot of podcasts in the early morning hours of baking and also during nap time and I came across some really good ones, some good ones, some okay ones and some I unsubscribed to.

My top favorite is this one: Coffee and Crumbs  I'm not totally sure why, but this podcast is not necessarily about giving advice, it's more about encouragement. I love the three co-hosts, April Hoss, especially. Half the episodes right now they interview guests about mom topics and half the episodes the three co-hosts talk about how they do things like nap times and communication in marriage and date nights and on and on. I just really really like this podcast.

If you want funny, then I love this one: Family Looking Up  I have probably laughed out loud more on this podcast than any other one. Three moms with about 15 kids between them interview guests and talk about their life and it's just funny.

For inspirational podcasts about mothering (can you see the trend of what I listened to this summer?) then Don't Mom Alone which used to be called The God-Centered Mom and Risen Motherhood. I haven't listened to enough of Risen Motherhood to give you a real good idea, (they were on vacation all summer) but I like what I have heard so far.

And then for children, The Same Page is a fun podcast. Once a week, there is a new five minute episode that is meant to be listened to daily as a way to memorize Scripture, Shakespeare, other poems, and fun facts about the Presidents. Then there is also to be a literary edition that releases four times a week where the host reads a classic. She just finished the Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan is to be starting soon, but I haven't seen that one yet. I'm not sure what the deal is there. Anyway, now that I caught up, we are listening to this at the breakfast table and Amber likes it. I wasn't sure how much she gets out of it, but I have heard her saying, "Oh Romeo, Romeo" at times, so....

Favorite Books: I want to do a more extensive list of this at the end of the year, but right now my favorite book from the last couple months would be the Auschwitz Lullaby by Mario Escobar.  It's pretty much heart-rending, but really good at the same time. It's based on a true story. 

Catching Christmas by Terri Blackstock was a fiction book that had me smiling and pretty much ugly crying and I really have no idea why.

And I'm trying to think of a nonfiction book that was just soo good I need to list it here, but that was read in the last month or so and I'm drawing a blank right now. I have read some good ones, but none that are clicking to me right now as being that "You need to read this right now" book. Of course, there is "Thirty Little Fingers" by Sheila Petre, that I read a few months ago, but is definitely worth reading.

Favorite Music? Well, let's say probably anything that isn't kids. I sang Amber a bunch of story songs, because I love them, and now she begs for a "girl song". When I ask her which one, she will say, "It doesn't matter." At least until I start singing one, then she may change her mind.

Favorite Quotes: "Humility is nothing but the disappearance of self in the vision that God is all." Andrew Murray

And now I am done trying to think of more favorites, because currently the favorite part of my day is happening, nap time, and I have a few more things I would like to do. 

Please feel free to comment with some of your favorites. I am always open to finding new things.


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