Freedom's Song by Kim Vogel Sawyer


Kim Vogel Sawyer has a talent for writing in a style that I love and always want more of. This book was no different and I read it in a matter of a couple of days. Of course, being on vacation certainly helped me be able to read it faster. 

Fanny is an indentured servant on a river boat. Indentured servant is a nice term, basically she was a slave. She finds a chance to flee because she knows that her master is not going to give her her freedom when her time is up. I don't want to give a lot of spoilers, but there is, of course, the happy ending and the suspenseful moments before you reach the happy ending that keep you on the edge of your seat.

But there's something I want to focus on and I hope I don't give away any spoilers in doing this. There is a point, towards the very end of the book, when Fanny's freedom is once again endangered and she is not sure she will remain a free person physically. It is at that point that she realizes something very profound. She realizes that it doesn't matter what her freedom status is in the physical world, she has Christ living in her heart and so she is free. She is free in the very realest meaning of the word free. She is free in Christ. Once Fannie recognizes that, she is filled with a peace that enables her to move ahead not knowing what will happen to her. That is a freedom that each person needs to realize for themselves and I thought the way Kim brought that about in the story was very powerful.

I received this book from Waterbrook & Multnomah via NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions expressed are my own. 


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