Made to Move Mountains by Kristen Welch

How God uses our dreams and disasters to accomplish the impossible.
I will read anything Kristen Welch writes. This is her fourth book and I've read three of them and I need to read her first book, Rhinestone Jesus. Her books are easy to read, practical and full of stories that help make the lessons come alive.
We all face mountains in our lives and everyone's mountain is different. Some are big, some are not so big, but they all need to be faced and climbed. Perspective can make such a big difference in how these mountains are handled.
Kristen is honest about her life and her mountains. She has chosen to dedicate her life to helping empower impoverished women around the world by creating things that are then sold online, in store and through Fair Trade Friday subscription boxes. It's a fascinating work called Mercy House Global. It started as a dream to help young, pregnant women in Kenya have a safe place to have their babies and it grew from there.
There are so many quotes I could give from this book that were so good and so pertinent to my life, but I will only give a couple. I would recommend you go get the book and read it for yourself. I know this book made me want to look around to see and help my neighbor and also to gain the correct perspective and not give up as I climb up my mountain.
"It's too easy to forget that much of what we enjoy today is what we asked God for yesterday."
"But when we go - even in fear and doubt and with a dab of dread - we let go of control. We remind ourselves God is in charge. We may be uncomfortable, but in this dynamic, we remember the beauty of saying yes. Behind every fear, a miracle is waiting."
"Can we know the beauty of happiness until we've tasted a bit of sorrow? Can we know the height of success unless we have tasted the depth of loss? Can we truly appreciate the miracles if we haven't first faced the mountains? It's in our loss that we come to understand our gain."
I really enjoyed this book. All opinions expressed are my own. This book was given me by Baker Books for the purpose of reading and writing a review. I was not required to write a positive review.
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