Memory Making Mom by Jessica Smartt

Building Traditions that Breathe Life into Your Home
"Traditions are a planned determination to remember, celebrate, and value what is important."
"Traditions offer security.
Traditions provide comforting memories.
Traditions make life sparkle.
Traditions remind us what matters.
Traditions connect us to others.
Traditions shower love.
Traditions are worth it."
I debated getting this book because it just felt like another to-do list, another reminder of how much I fail as a mom to make life fun and interesting for my children. But I'm also a sucker for books like this that are brimming with ideas and to-do lists, so I got it.
Jessica has some really good things to say. She understands the busy mom who doesn't have a lot of margin in her day. She doesn't ask every mom to go out and plan a big five-course dinner every night of the week because that is what your children will remember. She does stress the importance of food in a child's memory, but it can be simple, like having pancakes for breakfast every Saturday morning or a box of donuts from a favorite bakery, etc. Or maybe it's having a special treat one evening a week with the meal. Yes, she does mention some elaborate meals for holidays, etc. but there are also many doable traditions that are easy to incorporate.
At the end of the book, she offers over 200 ideas relating to different holidays, important events, learning opportunities, serving opportunities and more. Some of these are elaborate, some of them are simple. Let the birthday child pick the meal. Collect a rock from a hike to take back home as a visual memory of the time together. Read a book together. Have a chili cook-off to celebrate fall.
One thing I really appreciated was Jessica's emphasis on faith and bringing God into the equation. Teach your children to have quiet time, get them a special Bible and their own "coffee" and everyone sit down and read their Bibles at the same time. Take them to church regardless of how pointless it seems, especially in the little years.
I enjoyed this book and want to hang on to it for a reference when I feel like I have the margin to add in something fun and need an idea for a new tradition.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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