What Do You Think Dad Will Say?

The teddy bear, or is it a teddy dog, sits on the table with a badly bruised and oozing nose made of yarn. "I wonder what Dad will say when he sees the bear."

The chocolate angel food cake was eaten and enjoyed for dessert. "I wonder what Dad will say when he comes home and sees we had chocolate angel cake food." (This whole angel food cake is a struggle because it doesn't look at all like an angel)

"Mom!" resounds from the bedroom where all were supposed to be sleeping, "My finger's bleeding." And so we assess the injury, a possible picked at hangnail, stick the required band-aid on it, because I don't want to risk more blood on the sheets than necessary. "I wonder what Dad will say when he comes home and sees my band-aid."

And as I think about all this concern about what will Dad think, I wonder to myself, what does my Father think about my attitude or the way I handled that situation.

I whine at Amber to stop whining and fussing and get over it. Hmm, what does my Father think about the inconsistency expressed there?

I fuss over an inconvenience and potential sacrifice while being forgiven so much on a different day. I wonder what my Father thinks about my attitude.

There's some food for thought here. I'm hearing a lot of reminders questioning what Dad would think and yes, sometimes, it feels like the jury is out on me. If Dad approves of the current state of the house, then all will be well, if not, poor Mom who just didn't get it right. But I am thinking that I should be using those moments to stop and think, "I wonder what my Father is thinking about this."

So yes, daughter, keep reminding me, keep questioning. I know you desperately crave your Daddy's approval (which is dished out in spades to you) and I desperately need my Father's "Well Done" as well.


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