The Wiersbe Study Bible

Be Transformed by the Power of God's Word
General Editor: Warren Wiersbe
A big hardback Bible with two satin ribbons showed up at my door today and I feel quite blessed. The opportunity of having a Bible is huge and one I take so often for granted and getting one for free is an even bigger blessing. Now, will I use that blessing or let it collect dust on my shelf?
I opened the Bible and my first thought, in all honesty, was "oh the font". The font for the verses seems a bit hard to read at first glance, but I thought even after flipping through the Bible a bit, it got easier as you got used to, but it does seem very full on the page. And that's pretty much the only negative thing I have to say.
There are a few key things I would like to mention about this Bible. There is an introduction for each book of the Bible that is there to point out vital themes, the background to that particular book and anything else of importance. There is also a book outline that gives the key theme and verse and then there is also an overview where Dr. Wiersbe gives practical lessons in a "conversational overview." Finally, as part of the Bible book introduction, there is a "Be Transformed" section that guides the reader to the overall life-changing impact of that particular part of the Bible.
Also throughout the Bible, there are over 10,000 expository notes written by Dr. Wiersbe helping to explain Bible verses and then there are also sections called catalyst notes. These catalyst notes are considered the "heartbeat" of this study Bible. They include notes on biblical themes, character issues. etc. For example, in the first few chapters of Genesis alone, there are catalyst notes on "Why God Created Us", "The Creation of Humans", "Rest Can Transform", "God's Purposes for Marriage", and "Satan's Method" and I only made it to chapter three.
At the back of the Bible is a pretty big concordance along with a preaching outline for each of the Books of the Bible.
So when I was considering requesting this Bible for viewing, I was like what will I do with another Bible, but then I read a bit more about the notes accompanying and I thought it might be helpful and I'm so glad I did. I am eager to use this Bible for my personal devotions and to delve a bit deeper than just a surface reading or doing a Bible Study put together by someone else and not always that deep. Right now, I feel a little dried up in my own devotions with what I'm doing right now, so I'm excited to see how this Bible can help me apply truths better to my own heart. And yes, I know I have to really use it and apply it to make it work for me.
I received this Bible from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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