Gospel Centered Mom by Brooke McGlothlin

The Freeing Truth about What Your Kids Really Need
My children don't need a five star hotel with five course meals, immaculate housecleaning skills and a set of rules they must abide by. My children don't even need me to act like I need Jesus while trying to do it on my own. What my children need is for me to need Jesus and to live like I'm serving Him every moment, every day.
Too many of us live the me-gospel that Brooke talks about where we are concerned about what we need and we use the gospel to meet our needs, to get what we want, and to close the gap on our emotional and physical shortcomings. That's not the true gospel.
We need Jesus, each and every day. We need to recognize that what we want might not be what God knows we need and yet God is still good. We need to want what God wants and live out of that rather than focusing on what we want and how it's not working for us. This book challenged me so much to spend more time reading God's Word and praying and allowing Him to direct my life. I need to recognize that I can't do it on my own and I need more than lip service to God, I need full out action for Him. And I've seen it work. When I am willing to stop and pray, it changes things. It may not change the circumstances, but it changes my attitude and that can make a bad situation have a much better outcome.
Brooke is the mom of two hard to handle sons and cofounder and president of Raising Boys Ministries and the MOB(Mother of Boys) Society. She has some good things to say and I highly recommend this book. I will be honest, I didn't want to read this book, but God knew I needed it and I'm glad now I read it.
I received this book from Blogging for Books and am not required to write a positive review.
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