Motherhood is....Series, part 3

Motherhood is Trust I lined them up on the porch steps to capture the classic first day of school picture. Amber beamed with the enthusiasm of a first grader and Logan stood reluctantly beside her unsure of what all this meant. (Trust me, the excitement was definitely more prominent than this less than stellar picture portrays) And I cheerfully snapped the picture and excitedly sent her off to her first day of school. And no, I am not the mom who escorts her child in to her classroom and gets her settled in. That had happened the evening before and quite honestly, my daughter is entirely too independent for that. She will go in by herself, thank you very much. But this first day of school is just one more area that moms are continually having to choose to trust. I have to trust that she is ready, I have to trust that we taught her enough to get by. I have to trust that she will make friends, not be bossy, play nicely with others, eat in a somewhat respectful manner, and a host of ...