The Art of Friendship by Kim Wier


Creating a Keeping Relationships That Matter

A few weeks ago, I was sitting with a group of friends and we were discussing friendships. And then I read this book and feel like it was very helpful. I want to be a good friend, but sometimes I get wrapped up in my own world and friendship gets set aside or becomes very me-focused. 

"Any place you craft your image for social acceptance instead of authentic sharing will, at best, result in fans." Why is it so much easier to find a perfect picture and jazzy little comment to put on Facebook or Instagram than to sit down with cups of coffee and look at a real-life person and share what's really on my heart? Which choice will yield the greatest harvest? Yes, the social media picture might garner you 100s of likes, but does anyone know you better than they did yesterday? And does it really matter how many likes you got if, deep in your soul, you are still crying for real connection? 

Friendship should point you to God. We were made for community and our friends are part of that community that helps us grow to be more like Christ. This doesn't always mean we say nice things; it means being honest and vulnerable and calling truth and integrity out of each other, but it's what makes true friendships. 

"Our friendships will always be stifled as long as we value something more than being a friend." That's sobering as well. It is too easy to get caught up in the pressure of daily living, in the next like or comment on social media, or the desire to present a certain image. And that desire and longing will hurt our friendships because we won't be able to be real and genuine. And while you can make a lot of fans with a perfectly curated image, those fans aren't going to be there for you when the facade fades and real life becomes evident. 

This book had a lot of helpful advice in it and I would recommend to anyone who is looking to grow their friendships.

I received this book from Bethany House and was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions expressed are my own. 


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