
 I don't like to think of myself as a procrastinator, but the truth is coming hard at me that that label fits me a lot more than I like to think. 

I'm supposed to be reading something inspirational or doing my devotions by 5:30 AM Monday through Friday, but more often than not I hit the Instagram button about 5:27 and you know what happens then. Maybe that is just a lack of self-control.

By 7:00 AM, I'm supposed to be pulling myself out of my comfy chair and getting dressed and ready for the day. But....I can find I need to read another chapter or browse a little more online or or or. And soon, Logan comes upstairs and then I need to talk to him and read him a story and soon it is 7:20 or later. This puts the whole morning back a bit and I am soon running later than I like to be. While this doesn't matter now, it will matter come fall when I have a scholar to get off to school. 

And then, the ultimate test came this week when I was sitting at the table supposed to be planning menus for the next month or so or at least listing some ideas to pull off of. And instead, I was much happier getting caught up in a messaging conversation with a few other ladies rather than getting my menus made.

And now? Now the house is quiet and I really need to get recipes typed out and labels made for this coming summer's baking marathon, but instead, I decided to write a blog post. It's not that I don't enjoy typing out recipes or making labels or planning menus, but I can push those things off until they become urgent and then I am overwhelmed and frustrated because now I HAVE to do those things and I really do not have time to get them done. 

So is there a moral to this tale? No. However, if someone has some brilliant advice I would be all ears. Though, I really think I know what needs to happen in all of these instances. Do you want to know what led to my procrastination in all but one of the above instances? Yes, you are right, it was my phone. I allowed my phone to control me and turn my profitability into a time waster. How I hate how that looks on paper or on a screen as is the case right now. I know my phone is my hold-up and how do I counteract its effects? There are so many good things I do with my phone, but so many downfalls as well.

I don't have any solutions and no idea how to close this post, other than to say I am a work in progress and I still have a really long way to go. But maybe one step in the right direction would be to get off this tab and go to the tab where I belong and get those recipes typed up. 

I will return. 


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