
I sit here. It's Sunday afternoon. It's 4:00. The house is quiet. The trees are gently swaying outside the window. The sun is shining. It's a perfect day outside.

Inside, the house is still and I am sitting here at my computer, wondering if I should be typing out a post or going to read a book. A short post won the draw, at least for now. But the house is still and I need to take every advantage of that, but I'm just not sure how to take the fullest advantage of it. I want to savor every moment and store it up for the busy week ahead.

It's funny really. This summer is shaping up to be the busiest summer we've had since we're married and yet, in some ways, it's also shaping up to be a really good one. I am baking for a farmer's market on Mondays and a bake sale Fridays and Saturday mornings.  When do I do all this, some have wondered, and I wasn't sure, but I think I know now.

I do it when I would have been on the computer otherwise. I do it when I might have had my nose in Facebook. I do it when I might have been transcribing or getting side tracked by Pinterest or reading the latest blog. And yes, sometimes I do it when I would normally have been interacting with my children. And I also do it when I would otherwise have been sleeping. But it's been a bit staggering to realize how much time I might have wasted on the computer and even more startling to realize how little I miss it.

But, being able to sit and savor the solitude of a Sunday afternoon full of sleeping people is bliss, just pure bliss.  I love it!!  Have I mentioned enough times already how nice a still house is? It might be even nicer coming after a very tumultuous morning at church where I wondered why we even went to church. There's more thoughts on that aspect of life coming later in another blog post sometime in the future, entitled at this point I.Am.That.Mom.

Anyway, if you wonder why I have even fewer than normal posts, that's why. I'm either busy baking, squeezing in precious time with my children, or I'm simply enjoying the stillness.


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