Raising World Changers in a Changing World by Kristen Welch

How One Family Discovered the Beauty of Sacrifice and the Joy of Giving
This right here, this is a good book. I highly recommend that you go and get a copy, buy one, borrow one, anything but stealing one. This book challenged my views of generosity.
It's not just about giving money, though there is some of that, it's about giving your life: time, energy, talents, etc. for the greater good. It's a mindset that a person needs to have that is always looking for ways to help and ways to encourage and give.
It's not about going to a third world country, like they do, it's about giving right where you live. Kristen gives four ways you can give generously with your family right here and right now, right where you live. 1. "See the people around you." In other words stopping to notice them, not being so busy always and rushing on by. 2. "Spot the needs in others' lives." This involves taking the time to develop relationships with the people around you. 3. "Scatter kindness." 4. "Start over with number one." These four ways don't take any money, but they do take time and intention and a willingness to engage the people around you.
"Generosity is really about teaching our kids to see people other than themselves. And as parents, it begins with us." Yes, so true. And so hard. And so challenging. And so life-changing.
At the end of every chapter, Kristen lists a few questions to ask your kids to start world-changing conversations with them. She asked each question to one of her kids and gives their answers as well. And then after that, there's a small section called "Practice Generosity" where she gives some practical suggestions like volunteering time, paying it forward in a drive through, and many more.
Like I said at the beginning, this was a really good book, one I would recommend. I would also recommend her book "Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World." And I haven't yet read her first book called "Rhinestone Jesus", but I can only imagine it is also equally good.
I received this book from Baker Books and was not required to write a positive review.
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