Lies Women Believe by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

And the truth that sets them free.
Originally published in 2001, Lies Women Believe has sold over one million copies. Nancy came back, edited, revised, and added a new chapter to make this version bigger and better. Seriously, if you are struggling with feeling like life isn't what you want, that God isn't good, that you can't do it all, etc. etc. then this is the book for you. Nancy seeks to uncover 45 lies that women believe and she exposes the truth to each of these lies that will set you free. While I can't relate necessarily to all of them, there were many that I could.
Arranged in chapters: God, themselves, sin, priorities, sexuality, marriage, children, emotions, and circumstances, the lies are subheadings under these chapters. At the end of every chapter is a synopsis with the lie and the truth along with numerous Scripture verses to back it all up. An excellent book. There is also a study guide that goes along with this book and I am hoping to get that as well.
Some examples of the lies:
If my circumstances were different, I would be different. Truth: "My circumstances do not make me what I am, they merely reveal what I am" Matthew 6:21; 15:19; Luke 6:45 Ouch, this one is rather personal and I only showed one of the truths that counteract this lie. Nancy lists another three of them.
Lie: It's my job to change my mate. Truth: A godly life and prayer are a wife's two greatest means of influencing her husband's life James 5:16; I Peter 3:1-4
The one that really struck me and has been running through my mind since I read it is this one. Lie: I don't have time to do everything I'm supposed to do. Truth: There is time in every day to do everything that God wants me to do. Psalm 90:10-12; Luke 10:38-42; John 17:4; Acts 20:24; Ephesians 2:10 So often, I have a list of projects or hobbies or whatever that I want to do and can feel frustrated when it isn't happening, especially if the children were crabby and fussy. But if I take care of my children, at this stage in my life, I believe that is exactly what God wants me to do. The hobbies and projects are extras. I need to remember this truth and focus on getting done what God wants me to do and not what I want to do.
I just really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone seeking to rise above the lies our world's culture would throw at us.
I received this book from Moody Publishers and was not required to write a positive review.
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