If I Live by Terri Blackstock

At last, the long awaited conclusion to the If I Run series. The one bad thing about reading new books is you can't read a whole series back to back. You actually have to wait for the next book in the series to be written, printed, and released. Oh the problems we have in this great land!!
You can read my reviews on the first two books here and here . As I've said before, this style of writing is not normally my style at all. I don't generally like the first person style of writing. I like to be able to get a broader view of what's going on then just through the mind of the main character. Not only is this book first person, it hops back and forth between three people, all written in first person. And it's excellent writing. Not only that, but the subject of writing isn't really my thing either. I'm not a big mystery fan and for sure not murder mystery.
The series has Casey Cox being framed for murder and running and Dylan Roberts hired to find her and bring her in for "justice". Instead, he gets drawn in to help find the true murderers and that's all I'm gonna say about that. This book, there is a bit more of romance in the book than the previous three. I will also say this book is a bit more gory than the other two as well. Again, Terri writes a good story, because I anxiously waited for this final book to come out to find out how it was all going to end.
One thing that was impressive to me in this book is Casey's search for Jesus. She realized He was the true God, she wanted to believe, but she was also aware that if she truly trusted Him and asked Him to be her Savior then she needed to repent and turn herself in. So she was counting the cost. She does eventually put her complete trust in Jesus and experiences the peace that comes with that surrender. There was just something inspiring to me about her counting the cost and recognizing what needed to happen. If she was going to believe, she was going to go all in and that is a lesson for all of us: complete, unconditional surrender.
I received this book from Book Look Bloggers and was not required to write a positive review.
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