Just some pics today

So one of my goals for this year is to help sew on 36 to 48 quilt tops. Mom and I have a pretty good system down. We cut at her house, I take them home and sew as much as I can, she comes and irons while I sew. We get them all into blocks or strips, then she takes them home, sews the top together and adds the border. And then yesterday, in the middle of lots of ironing, my iron done did quite working.  It was sad in two ways. It was sad because we were on a roll, the littles were in bed and we were gonna get stuff done. It's sad in another way because it's a little extreme when an iron quitting can so completely disrupt one's day. But it was all good. We loaded up, I went with Mom back home, we sewed and ironed and then, (happy dance) D and I went on a date yet too.  Now that's turning lemons into lemonade, for me at least. Mom was left with the too-tired-to-be-good 3 year old. 

 Enroute to NJ, I believe. She spent about 20.5 hours in this seat on the way out. Let's just say she hasn't been a big fan of her car seat since we are home.
 All dressed up. Who is ever ready to go to your Grandma's funeral, but here she is, posing quite nicely.
 What is more fun to like than the spatula after mom is done using it?
 We stayed in a motel on our way home. Pure excitement when you are three. We hunkered down at the table and ate birthday cake.  She was pleased as punch. The only problem was, she felt it was perfectly acceptable to open our door and go running down the hall. I had to try and explain that this wasn't one big house and you did NOT go running out to go and find Daddy.
 And then we had a bridal shower for my sis-in-law.
 A random, get it over with quick, family picture one Sunday morning. I was trying to get a nice 3 year old pic of Amber. Let's just say, 3 year olds apparently are not given to nice poses. It's all about the cheese.
And some bad lighting, apparently.
But I think we got a few good ones. How can one three year old person make you laugh like crazy and groan with frustration all in one day and possibly multiple times a day.  Today she assured me quite seriously that if a big storm came to our house, she would not be scared and she would protect us because she is a protector. She also does stuff for "kicks and giggles".  

 Jonah is her favorite Bible story right now. She does understand that he was thrown into the water for being disobedient, but the application to her own life is vague at times.
 And then here's the cheery son in the family. Mostly happy, as long as his belly is full and sleep quota fulfilled. Here he looks a bit bobble-headed with his big head and skinny person. However, in the last month, because yes, I have seven month photos somewhere not on the computer, he has decided to pack on the weight. I'm gonna guess if he continues, there will be no 5th percentile placing for him anymore. And now I want to say, slow down a little.
He sits like a champ, but rolling over? Oh my no. Why would I do that? I would rather bury my face in the carpet and fuss. The few times he has rolled over appear to be random and not something he wishes to continue. But jump? Oh he will be happy to accommodate, whether in your lap or in his jumper.

And that is the middle of February to the first part of March in a few brief pictures.


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