The Unexplainable Church by Erica Wiggenhorn

Reigniting the Mission of the Early Believers
I was happy to find this book. I have "The Unexplainable Life" by Erica which is a 10 week Bible Study on the first part of Acts. Now this book, "the Unexplainable Church" is a 10 week Bible Study on the last part of Acts, Acts 13 to 22 to be exact.
I am currently working my way, very slowly through "The Unexplainable Life" and will likely go straight into "The Unexplainable Church" when I am done. I looked through this book and it seems like both books are set up very similar so I will give my opinion based on how I am enjoying "The Unexplainable Life."
Each week is broken down into 5 lessons and each lesson takes a few verses in consecutive order and dissects them down. There are questions to answer and ponder and then Erica shares some thoughts as well. Some of the questions are very basic and simple to answer, some require much more thought and a look inside our own hearts to see where we come out at.
There is a separate "Unexplainable" for each week like Beginnings, Grace, Riches, and Protection. I tend to split each day's lesson into at least two days. Maybe I don't spend enough time in Bible Study, but I find that it would take quite a bit of time for a lot of the lessons to do them all in one day. Now, I'm not saying it wouldn't be a good idea to do them all in one day, but I would say you would be looking at close to an hour for some lessons to do them all at once and to do a good job and get something out of it. Other lessons would be quicker.
I am looking forward to being able to complete my study of Acts through the use of this Bible Study tool and am grateful to Moody Publishers for providing me a copy of the Bible Study without requiring a positive review.
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