Crisis Shot by Janice Cantore

I'm not generally a big fan of crime and mystery books, but Janice does an excellent job of making the books interesting and fun and intriguing.
In this first in "The Line of Duty" series, Tess has shot an unarmed 14-year-old who she thought was going for a gun on a fallen officer. This brings down the wrath of the anti-police people in her hometown and basically forces her to resign even though she has been acquitted of all wrong doing.
She is able to get a job up in Oregon in a small town that has no crime until she shows up. Then things fall apart, but, of course, she does a good job solving the mysteries.
Probably one of the things I like about Janice Cantore's writing is it doesn't all end up happily ever after. Sometimes the innocent do die, the guilty are always caught of course. In this book, Tess has no real faith in God, but she is put in close working relation with a pastor who has a solid faith in God. There isn't a lot of faith talk/Christianity in this book, but I am guessing as the first in a series, Tess' faith will become alive in future books, but that's just my idea.
The one thing I don't like about the book is that Tess is a divorced woman and there are hints of a romantic relationship with a fellow police officer. That is a downer for me, as someone who doesn't believe divorce and remarriage is right in God's eyes.
The rest of the story was compelling and very interesting. The "obvious" pieces of the puzzle turn out to not be the correct pieces and there is a little bit of a twist at the end.
I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
I received this book from Tyndale Publishers and was not required to write a positive review.
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