Gifts from Heaven Compiled by James Stuart Bell

True Stories of Miraculous Answers to Prayer
Sometimes it's easy to wonder if God is still doing miracles today. It's easy to question if He really cares as much about us today as He did about the people back in the Early Church. And then it becomes easy to question why? If God doesn't perform miracles today, why not? Is it because of our unbelief, our dependence on technology and medicine and our pocket book to save us?
Reading this book helped me realize again that God is still doing miracles today. Sometimes they are big and amazing and over the top and sometimes they are small and hidden and you must look hard to find them. Sometimes the miracle is in what didn't happen. When the little girl was hit by a car, she didn't fly under the vehicle, she flew up. She had very few injuries and nothing permanent as a result of that experience. She was still hit, but God protected her from sever injury. That's a miracle.
This book has a wide variety of miracles, if you want to call it that. Some of them are small miracles, if there is such a thing and some of them are dramatic healings or involve angels. But for me the good reminder is that God is still in the miracle-working business. Maybe it's me who isn't in the miracle-believing or miracle-looking-for business and I need to work to change that.
How many times has God kept me safe without me even being aware of it. We just got back from a 4 day trip out to PA and back. Hundreds of miles passing thousands of cars and nearly hitting several deer. Is safety on trips when traveling within feet of other vehicles not miraculous? Do we take these things for granted?
It was a good book for me to read and be reminded again that God does answer prayer.
This book was given to me by Bethany House. I was not required to write a positive review.
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