Chazown by Craig Groeschel

Discover and Pursue God's Purpose for Your Life
What makes you want to get up in the morning? What fills you with a sense of passion? What makes you angry with a righteous indignation? What fills you with bliss? These are questions to ask as you seek to find what God's will is for your life.
God has a plan for you and a purpose, and there are many people just aimlessly wondering through life with no purpose and no direction and no fulfillment.
This book was challenging to me to seek out what God has for me and to do my part for His Kingdom. Craig talked about three main areas that can help reveal to us our Chazown: core values, spiritual gifts, and past experiences. What talents do we have? What do we value and hold dear to us? What have our past experiences taught us?
And there are the smaller areas of life, but areas that still need to be guided and disciplined in a godly manner: relationships, finance, work, physical health, and God. He calls these the spokes.
Goal setting was another thing he touched on. Setting short-term goals with a long range plan in mind. And accountability to help you know where you've gotten off track and to keep you on track.
A few quotes:
Key Thought: If you don't know where you're going in life, put aside your pride--stop and ask.
Key Thought: God's gifts in your equip you for your gift to the world.
Key Thought: Accountability closes the gap between intentions and actions.
I really enjoyed this book. For me as a wife and a stay-at-home mom, it's easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day and not look at how I could be using my talents right here where I am. Are there things that I would like to do, but am afraid to take the step? Are there people that I can encourage and be a blessing to without even leaving my own home? And my husband and daughter, there are so many ways that I can serve God through serving them. I do feel I am where God has called me, but I also recognize that there are many ways that I could be living more effectively in His will and thriving my way through life and not just merely surviving each day. That was a challenge to me.
This book was given me by Blogging for Books. I was not required to write a positive review.
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