Trusting Grace by Maggie Brendan

Virtues and Vices of the Old West Book 3
I am on a lookout these days for good fiction authors that I haven't read yet, so I will be attempting to try a lot of books by new to me authors. And then, of course, will be writing reviews on them here on my blog. So Maggie Brendan is one of those new to me authors.
The basic characters are a widow and her father and a widower and his three stepchildren that he didn't know he had until his wife died. So there's some trust issues on his part regarding women. And understandably so. But as these books go, trust was gained between the widower and the widow and they were bound to live happily ever after.
The book was fine as far as fiction books go. The setting was Montana in 1866, so the genre is historical romance. And really that was all there was. There was a small amount of intrigue caused by some missing goods shipments and subsequent kidnapping, but it was all quickly resolved.
One of the more interesting things in the book was that the widow's father, Owen, had this odd muscle disease that they called muscle neuritis back then. Today it is called chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. The author's husband suffers from this condition and I found it interesting that she put it in the book. I liked that. It makes the story more real to life to me, I think.
Basically, I will say that it was a book of stuff and fluff and while I don't discount Maggie Brendan as an author, this book doesn't get to rank up in the category of "have to read". I think the older I get, the more I look for fiction books with body and depth. I don't want the book to be all preachy and do nothing but quote Scripture, but I like books that show a real depth of character development and a true dependence on God.
I received this book from Revell Books and was not required to write a positive review.
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