Bible sleuth: New Testament

Illustrated by Jose Perez Montero
Who likes the "Where's Waldo" Books? Well, here's another option for you. Mike loves adventure and loves going back in time, especially to Bible times and looking at some of the most exciting events in history. On every open spread, there's a short Bible story and then eight objects/people to find on every page. And, of course, you also have to find Mike on every page.
The stories include Jesus' birth, His first miracle, the Beatitudes, feeding of the five thousand, Triumphal entry, Pentecost, stoning of Stephen, and others. While I didn't try to find all the objects, I'm not very good at stuff like that, I didn't think they were too terribly hard to find. The pages are definitely packed full of people and objects though, so it's not just super easy to spot stuff.
I think it looks like a fun book for a little bit older of a child. The genre is listed as juvenile nonfiction/religious/Christian/games and activities, so it doesn't list just a specific age. I do remember the secretary at one place I work enjoying the "Where's Waldo" book so this could go on up to adults as well. I would guess around five or six for a starting age of who could start finding the pictures.
I think it would make a great gift or a perfect thing to introduce when going on a long trip, (as long as the child doesn't get car sick). It is a bigger, hardcover book. I would estimate it to be about 8 x 13 or so, so they would need the ability to be able to hold it on their lap. It's not very thick though.
There is also a Bible sleuth: Old Testament book as well. That one I have not seen, but I would imagine is equally fun.
I received this book from Tyndale Publishers and was not required to write a positive review.
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