A Shift a Day for Your Best Year Yet by Dean Del Sesto

365 ways to improve your life, career, and relationships.
"Relationships are like batteries. Both positives and negatives keep things charged." Dean goes on to explain that the negatives, the conflicts, can bring new depth to the relationship if they are worked through.
"Profanity is nothing more than a momentary lapse in creativity." I love this quote because it can seem so true. I don't swear, but I still have my list of words I tend to repeat and I love the challenge to use different words to describe situations.
"A shortcut rarely is"
There are 363 more quotes like this in this book. Yes, I numbered that right because "It's always good to go beyond what others expect of you."
These "shifts" as Dean calls them cover a wide range of topics from listening, to careers, to relationships, to goals and much more. Read over a week they can all start to muddle together, so I would highly recommend just reading one or two a day and pondering them and evaluating how you can apply them to your life.
I enjoy good quotes and this book had some good ones that I should memorize and apply to my life.
If you like quotes and this sort of writing style, Dean has written a few other books to shift your thinking: "Shift Your Thinking - 200 Ways to Improve Your Life" and "Shift Your Thinking for Success-77Ways to Win at Work and in Life".
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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