You Belong with Me by Tari Faris

I barely want to post a picture of the book because it looks like seriously cheesy romance, but since this is my standard practice for book reviews, I will post the picture. This is the first in a series called the Restoring Heritage series. I don't know how many will be in the series, but at least one more is in the works.
This is Tari's debut novel and when I first started reading it, I was intrigued. I thought it was going to have some twist and turns in it that you don't always find in these kinds of books. In that respect, I was a bit disappointed. There were twists and turns, but in the end, it came out exactly as you figured it would after reading the first couple of chapters. However, the writing was done very well, the story was intriguing and there were some real thought-provoking lines in the book.
"Heritage isn't bound to the genetic code. It's what we give the next generation, whether by birth, adoption, or mentoring a kid in the community. It's investing in others, and that investment is a choice." This is so true. I can let my children grow up and hope they turn out or I can invest in them seeking to influence them for eternity. It's my choice.
"I'm not sure if it's always the end goal God has in mind as much as our willingness to follow Him on the journey no matter what happens." Again, a good reminder that I need to remember. If I can't find Jesus in the journey, I'm not gonna find Him at the end of the journey either.
There are more I could share, but those are two of the ones that stuck out to me in the book. I like to find things that speak to me and can influence me or remind me of truths I already know and in that respect, this book definitely delivered. I'll close this review with one more quote that stuck out to me and I'm not entirely sure what I think of it yet, but I think it's good food for thought.
"When we hold the broken pieces of our lives too close, they'll cut us up inside."
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.
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