the words between us by Erin Bartels

For the first time, I think I understand why people say they want other people to read a book so they can talk about it. That is how I feel about this book. I have mixed feelings about it and I'm not sure where I come out at.
This is Erin's second book and I will continue to be happy to read anything she writes. She does a really good job. I will say though that this book has left me a bit confused and a bit unsure of what I really think.
The words we write are there. Once you send that letter or email, you can't pull it back and undo it. It's there to be read and reread and thought about. In this book, Robin expresses herself in poetry written as payment for Peter lending her books. While she captures the essence of the book in the poem, she is also desperate to be understood herself. She doesn't have a pretty background and she is running and hiding and yet wants to be known. Does that not define us all? At some point in our lives, do we not all try to hide and yet beg to be seen? I know I do and it can be a lonely place to be as Robin realizes.
I don't want to say too much more about the book because I don't want to give out spoilers. And also because I really don't know what else to say. I found the book extremely captivating and yet one choice was very disappointing to me and almost ruined the book for me based on my own beliefs of right and wrong.
However, I do agree with Robin's choice to stop running and hiding and to finally forgive and to face the past in an effort to live the present and look forward to the future. So that is where I come out, still confused, but also recognizing that there is something here for me to learn from. Loneliness and hiding are not good choices for intentional living and since I want to live intentionally and live life abundantly, I need to make the right choices.
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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