Things Left Unsaid by Courtney Walsh

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found...."
Guilt, grief, regret, shame, and secrets meet grace, forgiveness, and second chances in an exceptional novel. I have become a little disillusioned with some of the fiction I've been reading and its predictable plots, but this book leaves me wishing for more. Yes, it has the guy meets girl and the predictable ending, in a way, but it is filled with so many deeper things.
A decade has gone by and the guilt and grief, regret and shame have only continued to hound at the doorsteps of three different individuals. Another couple is at loose ends and only coexisting because they too don't know how to go on together anymore. Everyone is reunited by a wedding and a celebration of life. Tucker has been told that some things need to be spoken aloud so that he can really find and accept forgiveness and the ability to fully go forward and live life. He gains the courage to do just that and so do the others. Of course, in the end, everything does work out and yet, it is also a portrait of God. I don't know if Courtney intended it to be that or not, but when the real truth, the deep secrets come out, each person finds themself still fully loved and accepted. And that is how God is. He loves us and He wants us to come clean with Him and seek His forgiveness.
I just don't want to say much about the characters themselves, because I'm not sure how to say anything without completely giving away the story and I can't do that. You need to read the book and see for yourself how amazing grace can be and how found you can feel when you let go of the secrets, tear down the walls, and let someone else share your pain with you.
I received this book from Waterfall Press through NetGalley and was not required to write a positive review.
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