Not the Boss of Us by Kay Wills Wyma

Putting Overwhelmed in its place in a Do-All, Be-All World
I read a lot of books, especially and mostly to review, so my library of books, or should I say my boxes of books continues to increase. It's a sad fact that I don't own near enough bookshelves to display all my books. And so the thought keeps niggling at my mind, "You need to get rid of some." Along with that, was the realization as stated in the last book I read that you have to read a lot of books to find the true gems and that brings me here. You may wonder what all that was about, but it's this. This book is that gem. This book is the book that will not be downsized and removed from my boxes or bookshelves. This book is staying and it's probably a book I should put in a list to reread every couple of years.
I've also started a book journal this fall and this was one of those books that didn't have even a full page of quotes. Basically, you just need to read the book. This is a book about being overwhelmed by truth. That is not a concept we think of frequently, but how often have you felt overwhelmed or heard someone talk about being overwhelmed? Yeah, a few times and probably if you asked or considered it, they or you were overwhelmed by the to-do list that wasn't getting done, by the fashions that you were missing out on, by the pimple on your face, by the gourmet meal you didn't make, or the mom fail that will surely doom your children to therapy. But what if, instead of that, you were overwhelmed by resting in God's peace, in knowing He gives you enough strength to do the things that are really important, if you were overwhelmed in knowing that He sees you as beautiful without the latest fashions and even with that pimple on your face. Be overwhelmed by the fact that God can take your mistakes and use them for His glory. Okay, I might be putting some of my own ideas out there, but they would have come from reading this book.
"So rather than buy into and be overwhelmed by performance pressure, why not instead be overwhelmed by purpose and gifting: in-born traits that are unique to each person and make us happy regardless of what culture celebrates at any given moment. Then live today's day, respecting tomorrow, but not allowing fears of it to steal our time and thoughts."
That is what I need to remember. I don't have a lot more to say about this book that I can put into the time and space reserved here. I have just one thing to say, if you are feeling overwhelmed or if you have kids who are facing the stress of school and the pressure to perform, go get the book and let Kay repeat in your face and your brain over and over, these things do not define you. A bad grade does not make you a lesser person, and so on and so on. I need that reminder.
I received this book from Revell and was not required to write a positive review.
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